Commercial Sales


Mission statement

Catalyst Consulting Group is committed to providing our manufacturer clients with tools that support a commercial sales program and strategy through the development of a rep program, dealer program and networking, training, and marketing



  • Review and assess client company’s position in commercial market.

  • Review and analyze current representation, channels of distribution and review existing marketing programs.

  • Develop a rep and distribution strategy for growth.

  • Develop needed programs to work in the commercial furniture market with independent reps and dealers.

  • Develop onboarding program for reps and dealers.

  • Assist in developing a specific Marketing plan that includes recommended updates to printed and online literature, product positioning pieces, email campaigns and trade show strategies.

  • Provide and maintain a conduit for access to Catalyst Consulting to strategize, share ideas

    and move initiatives forward.



Tel: 410-707-6569

[email protected]

© 2024 by Catalyst Consulting Group.

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